It’s National Coding Week, a great opportunity to share some information about how we teach coding early at our schools.
At The White Horse Federation, we believe it’s important to bring coding and computer education to students in a fun and engaging way. Thanks to our school improvement team, many teachers are equipped with the necessary skills to teach a subject that few of us had experience with when we were in school.
National Coding Week is a volunteer run event that prompts people to learn new digital skills or share the skills they have. As a participant, we’d like to share their Where to Start Guide which provides some fantastic resources to get started if you aren’t lucky enough to be a pupil in one of our fantastic school coding classes.
As a Trust, we are also very proud to be represented by Georgia Mercier at The Croft Primary School. Georgia, a primary school coding teacher, also sits on the National Centre for Computing Education subject practitioner panel, and offers her expertise and experience to teachers across the country.