Earlier this year, we hosted the annual Bowerhill School Summer Fayre.
With the always-incredible support of our PTA, this year was one of the most fun ever, with almost 900 people attending, raising nearly £6000 for the school!
During the fayre, pupils, parents, and our whole Bowerhill community took donkey rides, got their faces painted, ate some amazing BBQ, shared crafts, played fete games, smashed plates, and so much more!
Starting planning months in advance, and giving up many an evening, the PTA and helpers organised activities, set up stalls, marketed the event across the town, and invited some fantastic guests. To have such a dedicated and resourceful PTA and local community is an amazing asset for our school, and we’re so thankful for their work!
Thanks also go to a number of local businesses who contributed time and resources: Leadership Martials Arts for giving up their time for free demonstrations, WJ Beaven’s butchers for a great deal on top quality BBQ products, Active Trowbridge for providing inflatables, Wild Edge Adventure for their survival skills workshops, Melksham Rugby, the local police for joining in too, and all of the inside stalls holders who gave us such amazing feedback. It was also great to see a number of former pupils coming to help out!
We’d also like to thank the parents for helping put together eight luxurious hampers for the raffle prizes!
This amazing event is another example of how the relationship with the local community is getting better all the time. Not just with the Bowerhill Festival, but with the May bank holiday scarecrow trail which was so popular, bringing families from outside Bowerhill inside our wonderful community
We’re proud that our school acts as such a hub for the community, not just for our location, but for the family friendly events such as the festival. It was great to see families from other Melksham schools at the event as well. We aim to create family friendly events and the summer festival was a flying success..
Through our PTA, we feel as though the community is getting more involved with the events which is great and we will continue to build on their amazing support moving forward.
Joining the PTA is a fantastic way of getting involved with the school and meeting local people. They will be holding a PTA coffee morning soon, and if you’d like to join, information will be shared on the Bowerhill PTA Facebook page soon!