At Bowerhill Primary School, our motto is "Experience Success - Build Aspiration". We aim to inspire children to aim high, and we are certain that, through our exciting curriculum, we give children enjoyable opportunities to gain the skills they need to achieve success in life.
We try to build aspirations by exposing the children to real life situations wherever we can. We also aim to involve the local community wherever possible, exposing our children to potential future opportunities and endeavours by sowing the seeds of aspiration from the moment they start school. In Reception, our children are visited by the emergency services and get to explore vehicles used in an emergency. In Year 1, the parents are invited to come into school and talk about their jobs and the skills they have in order to complete these jobs. This in a common theme throughout our school where the children are able to visit the theatre 3 times; meet our local MP in Year 4; work with a chocolate engineer; perform on a stage in front of 10,000 people and use Computer Aided Design (CAD) in Year 5 and work with a financial advisor; create an enterprise project and visit the House of Commons in Year 6. Inspiration can come from anywhere and we are always searching for better community links and experiences for our children to "Experience Success - Build Aspiration".