Bowerhill Primary School ensures the learning children experience in school incorporates the national curriculum and government initiatives. To find out more about the national curriculum, follow the link below.
At Bowerhill Primary School our curriculum is designed to enable ALL children to EXPERIENCE SUCCESS through BUILDING ASPIRATION within them, giving children the essential knowledge they need to prepare them for future success (Cultural Capital). The Bowerhill curriculum recognises prior learning and provides engaging content that is progressive in substantive knowledge, disciplinary knowledge, skills, and vocabulary and provides opportunities for our children to build aspiration through carefully planned enrichment experiences.
Curriculum Drivers:
These drivers are the global issues we believe children need to have an awareness and understanding of in order to be successful global citizens in the 21st century. Our thematic units for foundation subjects focus on each of these drivers once per year for 6 weeks each. The whole school will focus on the same driver at the same time as an overarching theme to enable discussions and assemblies to happen across the school which further highlights these global issues. Children build on these concepts in a progressive way as they move through the school, making links to prior learning and building toward future learning.
Golden Threads
Curriculum Statement of Intent