At Bowerhill Primary School, we encourage the wearing of sensible, comfortable school clothes through our promotion of school uniform. Most parents appreciate that school uniform liberates them from early morning arguments about what to wear to school. We consider that clothes appropriate to learning, not leisure, help to create a good attitude to school work.

Our uniform is based around a colour scheme of royal blue and grey or black trousers or skirts. Jeans or jeggings are not acceptable alternatives to trousers. Sweatshirts and cardigans with an embroidered badge may be ordered from Sportsbug in Melksham, and may be worn with a white shirt, blouse, or polo shirt and a grey or black skirt or trousers. Blue and white striped or check dresses can be worn in the summer.

Black shoes must be suitable for school, although white, brown, or navy sandals can be worn in the summer. Children must be able to fasten their own shoes — Velcro is a wonderful invention! Trainers are not appropriate footwear other than for games lessons, although children in key stage 2 can change into their trainers for breaks or lunchtimes to protect their shoes.

Ordering a Uniform

School uniform can be purchased from Sportsbug, in Melksham. Please find a link to their website below:


PE Kit

Children are expected to have a change of clothing for physical activities. They are expected to change for all PE lessons. For safety and hygiene reasons, children will not be able to participate in the work without the correct kit.

Long hair should be tied back for all physical activities. Studs in pierced ears must be removed by the children before PE or games lessons. Alternatively, the studs may be covered with pieces of medical tape. This must be provided by the children and checked by the teacher before the child is allowed to take part in PE lessons.

Indoor PE Kit

This consists of a plain T-shirt, purchased from school, in the child’s house colour (red, green, blue, or yellow), and black shorts. Children work in bare feet, although daps (plimsolls) may be worn if the child is suffering from a verruca or other contagious foot ailment.

Outdoor Games Kit

The indoor games kit may be worn outside with appropriate footwear (elasticated daps or Velcro trainers are advised for key stage 1) and a change of socks. They should bring additional warm clothing for cold weather during the autumn and spring terms. This may be a tracksuit, jogging bottoms or leggings, or simply an old jumper. Children in key stage 2 may be expected to use the field in cold and/or wet conditions. They may also bring a towel to dry themselves and a plastic bag for wet clothes and shoes. Trainers are the best footwear for outdoor games in key stage 2.


The wearing of jewellery by children is not permitted, although some parents may wish their children to keep a simple stud in pierced ears during the school day. For safety reasons, these, along with watches, must be removed by the children before PE or games lessons. If your child brings a watch or any other item of jewellery to school, they do so at their own risk. The school will not compensate parents or pupils for lost watches or jewellery.


We would like parents to ensure their child’s hair accessories are mainly functional and that excessively large or decorative fashion items (e.g. large bows, dyed hair, extensions) are kept for non-uniform days or holidays.


Children must not wear makeup to school, unless this is a part of a charity event or drama activity and with the teacher’s permission. Children must not wear nail polish to school. Parents must ensure that nail polish is removed after weekends and holidays before the child returns to school. Parents of children who do wear makeup or nail polish to school may be asked to come into school to remove it.

Second-hand uniform

Purchasing second-hand school uniforms is budget-friendly and eco-conscious. Here are some suggestions:

  • School Office / PTA: Check with the school office to find out how to purchase pre-loved uniform.
  • Charity Shops: Visit local charity shops that may carry school uniforms.
  • Online Marketplaces: Use sites like eBay, Facebook Marketplace, and dedicated uniform exchange platforms.
  • Community Groups: Join local social media groups where parents sell or trade uniforms.

These suggestions can help save money and support sustainability.